Monday 9 March 2015

Interview: Demystifying the Doula!

A new feature on the blog: - every few weeks I'll post an interview with a local, inspirational and passionate woman who supports other women in her work. This week's interview is with Sam Steele, of From Bump, Birth & Beyond.......

Tell us a bit about yourself - what brought you to birth work?

"Hello! My name is Sam and I am based in Rosyth, Fife. I have three children ; two boys aged 17 and 22 and an 18 year old daughter. I qualified as a Learning disability nurse in 1990 but following the births of my children I became very interested in all aspects of pregnancy and birth. I commenced my midwifery degree in 2001 and on completion of this I worked in antenatal clinics and wards, gynaecology wards, midwife-led unit, obstetric labour ward and postnatal wards. I loved my work immensely but became disheartened with the amount of interventions and focus on the medical model. I returned to my nursing job in 2010 but I missed working with women and their families. Then I discovered doulas!!"

What is a doula?

"A doula is a layperson who provides support to women and their families during pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatally. A doula does not give clinical care and is not there to replace the midwife or women's partner. A doula provides one-to-one support and a continuity of companionship. I feel that birth should be empowering, free, flexible and intuitive. Every woman should be free to labour in her own way, uninhibited and undisturbed. A doula is the calm, watchful, loving presence who protects the fragile harmony of birth. Nurturing, compassionate and reassuring support of the labouring woman also gives reassurance and stress-relief to her partner and family, assisting them to participate within their own comfort zone (as well as enabling them to take meal breaks and toilet breaks without feeling they are abandoning their loved one). A doula meets the women and her partner /family during pregnancy, discovering what the woman's wishes are for her labour and birth. The doula goes "on-call" from 37 weeks until the birth of the baby and remains with the woman throughout labour (regardless of how long that takes). The birth doula will make postnatal visits too and can, if desired, offer postnatal doula work which can involve cooking nutritious and delicious meals, breastfeeding support and a listening ear."

Why is a doula so beneficial?

"Research based evidence proves how vital the role of the doula is. This includes lower risk of caesarean birth, lower risk of instrumental birth, less need for epidural or painkillers during labour, lower rate of induction of labour and a greater likelihood of successfully establishing breastfeeding. I aim to uphold each individual woman's philosophy of birth and parenting and help her have the type of birthing experience that she wants, be it a waterbirth at home surrounded by faerie lights or an elective caesarean. I am also a clinical aromatherapist and reiki therapist and I offer antenatal massage, postnatal massage and baby massage. The fundamental needs of a woman in labour are trust, privacy, intimacy and freedom. As a doula I help create a safe "nest " for the labouring woman and her partner, particularly in a hospital setting."

What’s your favourite part of your job (if you can choose!)?

"This is the hardest question! Trying to narrow down my favourite part of my job is pretty impossible! But I think it would have to be seeing a woman who had a previous bad birth experience and who was understandably anxious about this birth becoming strong, empowered and have exactly the type of birth that was stolen from her first time round. Women are amazing."

If you had one piece of advice for a pregnant mama, what would it be?

"As a doula I can't really give advice but if I was chatting to a pregnant friend my advice would be 'Read. Read everything. Knowledge is power and you can't make informed choices and informed refusals if you don't know all your options.' And join A.I.M.S! (Association for Improvements in Maternity Services), a vital resource."

And for a postnatal mama?

"Advice for a postnatal mama? You are the expert regarding your baby. Sometimes it might not feel like that, but you are. Don't get bogged down with advice from Tom,Dick or Harry!. You've got this, you're doing a great job."

Tell us about From Bump, Birth & Beyond?

"From Bump, Birth and Beyond was born after I completed my Mindful Doulas course. As a Facebook page, I add articles, studies, photos and fun stuff every day as a resource for women trying to conceive, pregnant women and their families and new mammas and dads. I offer a birth doula service and have worked with women in Fife and Dundee (and a surprise one in Edinburgh)! I also post links to other websites and fb pages that may be of interest and to other doula pages. It is vital that women find the right doula for them. Speak to as many as possible and see who you click with. Find out what services are available in your locality. Shiatsu, yoga, massage, chiropractors, aqua mums, sling networks etc. My page is hopefully a good resource to find information. Drop by and say hello!"

You can join Sam on the From Bump, Birth & Beyond page on Facebook .

Thanks so much to Sam for being my first ever interviewee on The Whirling Dervish blog! If you'd like to be featured, drop me a line and we'll have a chat!


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