Saturday 28 February 2015

Lights, camera, action!

Lights, camera, action! 
Throwback to this time last year when YogaBellies Dundee was featured on The Dundee Channel! This was a surreal experience for me and it feels like it happened a lifetime ago, as opposed to last year! Where does the time go ....

Smoothie of the Week!


4-5 Tablespoons Greek yoghurt - High in protein and contains live microorganisms that are beneficial for your gut health and immune system - very good for you especially after a dose of antibiotics! 
Handful of Blueberries - High in Vitamin C and according to a recent study at Rutgers University, blueberries contain compounds similar to cranberries that can help ward off urinary-tract infections!  
1 Banana - High in potassium, sustains blood sugar levels and is said to improve mood and reduce PMS. 

2 Tablespoons of Chia Seeds - very 'fashionable' at the moment but they are actually nice in a smoothie, offering a great texture. A source of protein, high in fibre and Omega
50 ml of Water 

Bung it all in the smoothie whizzer and hey presto! One delicious and rich smoothie for you to indulge in and enjoy! 

Saturday 21 February 2015

Riding the Waves of Emotion

Through teaching in my prenatal yoga classes, I recently had an epiphany and I wonder why it didn't occur to me before! here it is.....
We often discuss how a birthing woman's contractions cannot be stronger than her because they are her - breathing into the surge as it intensifies, breathing out deeply, to release and let go...and upon reflection, I see it is the same for emotions. This occurring to me has actually been very helpful to me of late - I often feel overwhelmed by emotions but realising that they are just a part of me 
- a passing experience-
 and breathing into that, helps to reduce the overwhelmed feeling! 
Anyhoo, a somewhat rambling post and I'm sure I'll touch upon this again but for now, that is all....
Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday 19 February 2015


I came across this quote today and it really resonated with me so I would like to share it with you....
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 
~ Anaïs Nin

Thursday 12 February 2015

The 4th Trimester & Tea Drinking Meditation

I'm really enjoying the Valentine's box that I ordered from Guilt Free Goodies! Packed with tasty sweet treats suitable for wheat free and Paleo diets - all made with ingredients as close to their natural form as possible!

I don't have any recipes to share from this week however I will be testing out baking these Carrot Banana Breakfast Bakes tomorrow morning! I'll be sure to share the results with you tomorrow!

Meantime, I wanted to make the topic of today's post on self-care during the postpartum period.
This is a wonderful time for many new mums but it is also a little fragile, tender and raw - both physically and emotionally. The '4th Trimester' or the 3 months immediately after giving birth, is a time for creating your own, safe wee bubble for you and your baby and moving reverently through the days. Instead of jumping straight into exercise and trying to 'get back your body' , perhaps take this short period of time to respect your body - respecting what it has been through and what it is currently needing. Self-Care is paramount. The gym will still be there in 3 months, the yoga classes will still be there in 3 months but for now, you can take this time, to settle into this moment and into your new way of life.....

Perhaps taking a short period of time in your day for practicing meditation and deep breathing - creating a haven, inside your mind, where you can relax and let go of your stress, tension or worries as a new momma. Even 2 minutes out of your day would do - you could try, every time you go to make yourself a cuppa, taking 3 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. See how you feel, after a day or two of practicing this each time you make your tea or coffee - see if you can continue practicing it each day. Maybe after a week, you can bring your meditation into the tea drinking itself - so often we are not fully present when drinking our tea so try to notice your hands, moulding around the cosiness of the cup. See the steam dancing above your mug. Enjoy the soothing warmth of each sip.
Now, I'm not naive - I know that with a new baby this sounds like a challenge and a half..and most of the time you might not finish a cup of tea! And it is a challenge, you're right! But even managing to be fully present in your tea drinking for one or two sips , is a mindful act, a meditative act. These simple practices can help you to be present in this moment. Present with all of the emotions inside of you. Present with your baby and your family.

Physically, the body is not ready for exercise until a minimum of 6 weeks postnatal (10 weeks if you had a section) and once it is starting to emerge from its postnatal haze, yoga is a very good practice for both you and baby. I would recommend going to a mother & baby yoga class; here, you can safely practice yoga that respects the stage in which your body is and also practice some yoga for baby - helping to strengthen the bond between mother and baby, stimulating and soothing, increasing baby's co-ordination and a great excuse to sing fun songs and meet other mums! You can also learn breathing techniques to ground you when life seems a little overwhelming :)

So give yourself permission aside the need to 'get your body back' until you are fully ready for that type of movement.. Enjoy your tea drinking meditation and your beautiful new baby..You're doing well. And it is wonderful.



Sunday 8 February 2015

Sweet Treats, Gratitude & Achievements

I'm really cherishing having some relatively normal levels of energy and being able to enjoy the things that I love to do! Cooking, being one of these things - I spent most of my Friday night, happily cooking and baking away in the kitchen.

This is a huge change from last year where I could barely stand long enough to enjoy cooking and if I could, brain fog stopped me from being fully present. Looking back, I wonder how I got through last year! I am so proud to say that this week I completed my RYT 200 Certificate and I have been nominated for Young Woman of the Year with Women AHEAD -  I don't know how I achieved what I did but I've done it! With the nature of adrenal insufficiency, one minor bug or even cold often landed me very sick, in hospital or at out of hours.... so I cancelled many classes last year and issued many refunds but I've very grateful to the clients who stuck by me during this time.  I reflect now and honestly wonder how I managed to teach the classes that I did (usually required me to stay in bed for half or most of the day beforehand or afterward!). Last year, I was in my doctor's office at least once a week and I am SO pleased to say that I haven't seen her for nearly 8 weeks now - as wonderful a person and Doctor that she is, I am glad to have not needed her care recently!

Anyway, back to the cooking....I love food, baking and cooking. "One cannot think well, Love well, Sleep well, if one has not Dined well."
I have a wheat allergy so for the most part my diet is already gluten free and little processed food and I am attempting to eat less dairy too! I'm currently reading into Paleo - I'm not one for fad diets and I'm more a believer in at least half of your plate being vegetables but Paleo seems to be on a good track! I'm enjoying making vegan desserts/sweet treats/cakes  - these are far less processed, using unrefined sugars and fats. Anyhoo, on Friday I made chocolate for the first time! White chocolate with almonds - it was supposed to be shards but ended up being chunks! (it's great because you only need teeny pieces to satisfy any sweet cravings!)

 Vegan Almond White Chocolate

  • 113g of  cocoa butter
  • 57g of cashew nut butter 
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup (I used slightly less and it was the perfect sweetness!)
  • slivered almonds

Melt all the ingredients except the almonds, together then pour into a shallow plastic box lined with baking/greaseproof paper. Sprinkle over the almonds (maybe adding some fresh raspberries or edible rose petals) and then pop in the freezer. Once cooled, roughly chop into small chunks and enjoy! (Probably best to store in the freezer in an air tight bag/box, whilst not being eaten.) If you're raw vegan - you can whizz all the ingredients (at room temperature) in a blender, until smooth.

I hope you enjoy making and munching this recipe!

I also received my 'Paleo Starter Pack' from Cherry's Deli this weekend which contains all the staples you need for Paleo/clean eating and minus the Ghee, it's all vegan! I got all of these goodies for £55 plus £2 delivery, which is pretty good! It also comes with a great wee  recipe book which is probably most useful for those not used to cooking from scratch however I have to say I enjoyed looking at the recipes and there's loads of info at the front about all of the ingredients in the pack! I'm looking forward to cooking up more delights in the kitchen!

I hope your week ROCKS and I look forward to seeing you all back on the mat this week. (I hope I'll have time to post another blog post this week!)
And once again, I want to express my gratitude - from the bottom of my heart - to my clients who stuck by me whilst I was sick and to all the other family and friends behind the scenes, helping me to achieve my dream!