Saturday 3 January 2015

AI, Gherkins & Me!

So it's been quite along and arduous journey, since I've been diagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency! 

This past year has been filled with great highs but also massive lows and I've spent most of it very, very sick but now, I am on the correct replacement cortisol medication and it is expected that things are to be on the up!

In fact, over the Christmas period, I caught a cold and managed to stay out of hospital and actually enjoy Christmas with my family! And in the past twenty four hours, I've managed to practice some gentle yoga, on three occasions and I even walked home from the shops.... These are all massive achievements for me and I think I'm starting to see a glimpse of normality on the horizon!

In between my yoga and holistic posts, I'll be chronicling my journey this year and hopefully it will be a positive one....offering an insight to friends and family of AI sufferers, into what living with this condition is like and also to those with the condition themselves - who may gleam some hope or inspiration from my trial and error approach to living with this!

Suffice to say that a trusty bottle of water, a couple of Polish dill gherkins and a smidgen extra hydrocortisone have got me through the more strenuous activities of today! :)

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